Whether your child’s other parent owes you back child support and you want to move forward with enforcing the court order or you currently cannot pay the support that you owe, it is pivotal to understand the different consequences that parents can face for falling behind. For example, if you do not pay child support, you could lose your driving privileges, which could result in other challenges (such as job-related problems that further impact your financial situation).
Aside from losing your license, falling behind on child support can lead to many other penalties, such as the loss of your tax refund and the possibility of time in jail.
License revocation and back child support
The Texas Department of Public Safety states that parents who do not pay child support could have their driver’s license revoked or face the denial of the issuance of their license. In addition, this revocation stays in place until the court or the Attorney General of Texas sends the Department an order.
Parents who face license revocation over unpaid child support do not need to pay reinstatement fees. It is important to understand the steps that you need to take to restore your driving privileges if you lost your license.
The impact of license revocation due to back child support
If you lose the ability to drive, you could have to miss work or you could lose your job altogether. Moreover, you might have to miss out on important events, including seeing your child. Make sure you swiftly review strategies to pay back child support that you owe and avoid serious problems.